Anglais, Bible, New Living Translation, similicuir brun, paroles de Jésus en rouge
NLT Compact Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition (Leatherlike, Rustic Brown, Red Letter)

Bible Reading : Reimagined This beautiful Bible in the highly regarded New Living Translation is easy to carry, very readable, and understandable, with devotional and study materials included through the innovative Filament Bible app that brings to life the wisdom of the ages.

"Awesome Bible ! I love the NLT because it is so easy to understand and you won’t get lost in the wording. The compact size is great for reading or studying."

Features : Words of Jesus in red Presentation page Full-color Visual Overview of the Bible The Filament Bible app 25,000+ study notes 350+ videos 400+ profiles and articles 1,500+ devotionals and more . . . Illuminated with the Filament Bible AppThe Filament Bible app is so easy to use. Simply buy the Bible, download the free app, and experience Filament. Enjoy understanding the Bible !

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Anglais, Bible, New Living Translation, similicuir brun, paroles de Jésus en rouge - NLT Compact...
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