DayBrightener: Believing Bigger

  • Référence DAY5116
  • EAN 0819837511654
  • Editeur


Marshawn Evans Daniels guides you through a year of inspiring truths, positive affirmations, and Scripture in her 365 Days of Believing Bigger Perpetual Calendar. Each day, you’ll focus on a simple truth about who you are, why you matter, and what you are here to do -- all leading you towards God’s one-of-a-kind dreams for you as His beloved daughter. God is awakening something magnificent within you. It’s time to come out of hiding. Defy the status Quo. Defy tradition. And defy gravity. Do what seems impossible, unthinkable, and ultimately, Christ defied all odds, and so should you !

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DayBrightener: Believing Bigger
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