Money and the Gospel
Giving money with grace Handling money with integrity

Auteur : John R. W. Stott

  • Référence DICT6212
  • EAN 9781999662127
  • Editeur

    Dictum Press

Generosity is part of the Christian life. And the money we give has to be looked after with integrity. The apostle Paul teaches on both these aspects of handling money. Money is a risky business, always with temptation. John Stott looks at the Apostle Paul’s teaching (1 Corinthians 16 and 2 Corinthians 8,9) on Christian giving. How do we decide what to give ? Is it ever right for our giving to go down, if circumstances change ? For general use in church life, or with particular reference to a giving appeal or building project. Chris Wright takes the same passages, and opens out the Apostle’s teaching on how to handle money with integrity and transparency. For Treasurers or for anyone who is responsible for special appeals. We are not aware of any other publication which does this job. Questions included for personal reflection or for group discussion.

Dictum Press
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Money and the Gospel - Giving money with grace Handling money with integrity
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